Delilah Wolf Pack is an online retail business which started in April 2019. It is a charitable online clothing brand founded by Isabella Ray, who demanded there needed to be a change. She then started Delilah Wolf Pack (named after her first rescue) as an innovative way to raise money and give 70% of profits to Mission Pawsible and The Bali Dog. Both being powerful organisations that save the lives of thousands of animals in Bali.
It is a brand made for people who are passionate about the lives of others and are thirsty for a change.

Every day most people who live or visit Bali see a dog/cat in this horrible condition. It’s not uncommon, but it is curable and I need your help!
Breakdown of costs:
- Medical Check for 10 dogs AU$150
- Complete Vaccination for 10 dogs $500
- Sterilisation day for the area $400
- Chemo for 2 dogs diagnosed for TVT Cancer $400
- Antibiotics for 10 dogs for 1 month $100
- Buffer money in case one of the dogs has further issues such as fungal skin infection etc which would require more meds $50
Anything additional raised will be used for food to continue feeding them until they are healthy and strong.
Delilah Wolf Pack decided we would donate 70% of profits each month to the person/organisation who needs it the most in that particular month. We have chosen two rescuers that I deeply believe in to rotate each months donations to. After all, we are all here for the same reason so let's all support each other.
The two organisations we fund are Mission Paws'ible & The Bali Dog.